Climate Collage and myCO2 meeting
A morning of climate collage and carbon footprint discovery.
Also loads of fun !
We organized our first Climate Collage in partnership with the myCo2 application in order to bring 2 complementary approaches and tools together:
- Climate Collage: a set of ludic cards used to to understand stakes, causes and consequences of climate change and trigger further discussions.
- myCo2 : an application which lets you calculate your carbon footprint and identify actions compatible with the Paris agreement targets (reduce individual consumption towards 2 Tonnes Co2eq per year by 2050).
Through the climate collage, a wonderful tool created by Cedric Rigenbach, our participants understood the natural mechanisms, the different causes and heavy consequences of climate change. The goal is to reach 1 million of people sensibilised to the ins and outs of climate change through this serious game by 2022. As of today,the total stands at 130,000 people accross the world, 450 of which in Singapore. Many more meetings to come !
As for MyCo2, it has been developed by The Shift Project think tank, founded by Jean Marc JANCOVICI, a French energy expert. The tool lets you easily estimate your carbon footprint (depending of your diet, your habits, travels, etc) and will show very clearly how to reduce it meaningfully through suggested actions.
Many thanks to Romy (Climate Collage), Eric (MyCo2) and of course all our participants.